Karen Hellier

Freelance Writer, Coupon Lady, eBay Entrepreneur: Helping You Save Money and Work From Home

Save Money by Shopping the Back to School Sales

Back-to-School sales will save you money!

Back-to-School Sales are Starting

Back-to-school sales already? Yes, they are already starting. I know some of you are thinking I might be crazy, but down here where I live in the South, some schools are starting at the end of July. And so  for those of us who love to save money, it’s time to gear up for some fun sales.

As you probably already know, you can save money by shopping the back-to-school sales offered by a variety of different stores. But what if you don’t have kids, or your kids are grown and you don’t need stationery supplies? You can still save money on these types of supplies by purchasing them now and saving them for upcoming projects throughout the year. Or you just may need pens or paper to have around your house to get you through the next year. Buying now, and stocking up is the best way to save money.

Get Money Saving Sales Tips From Me on Instagram

If you follow me on Instagram (Kouponkaren_thrifts_and_saves) you probably saw my posting about the back-to-school sale at Staples a few weeks ago. They had 70 page spiral notebooks for 25 cents each, composition books for 50 cents each, crayons for 50 cents each, 2 pocket folders for 25 cents and 50 cents each, etc. It was wonderful. As a writer, I still enjoy putting pen to paper so I stocked up on some of those notebooks for myself. Feel free to follow me on Instagram to get up to the minute tips on sales as I find them.

Projects that Need School Supplies

The thought of a new school year and new school supplies always thrilled me as a child and still does to this day as an adult because I like to contribute these items to kids whose parents may not have the money to buy them for their children. And I have a special place in my heart for Operation Christmas Child where you can fill shoe boxes with school supplies, toys and clothing for children in third world countries and donate them through area churches.

  • Here’s a list of projects you might not have thought of that you can purchase back-to-school supplies for:
  • Operation Christmas Child
  • Your church Sunday School program
  • Your church vacation Bible School
  • Community back to school collections to fill donated backpacks
  • Teacher friends that you know
  • Private/charter schools that can use the extra supplies
  • Projects that send school supplies to third world countries


Walmart is also starting their back-to-school sales. They have crayons, glue and colored pencils and markers  for 50 cents a box. There are other markdowns including notebook paper. So far, I know the Walmart back-to-school sale has already started to check it out if you want to start saving money now! The woman who was stocking the shelves with items told me they start now because a lot of people in the community want to purchase items to put into backpacks for community back-to-school drives that are happening in my area already (Northern Georgia). Here are some photos of what’s on sale at Walmart for back-to-school:


Back-to-school sales at Walmart!

Back-to-school sales at Walmart!

Back-to-school sales at Walmart!

Back-to-school sales at Walmart!


Back-to-school sales at Dollar General!

Back-to-school sales at Dollar General!

Dollar General

I was also in Dollar General today and they had a box of back-to-school items right in the front of the store that will save money if you start stocking up now. Last year they did also have a great crayon sale toward the end of July but I checked the crayons and they aren’t on sale yet.


I don’t have any photos from Staples, but the store flyer has the following items listed on the front page of the flyer for the current week:

For 50 cents: glue, a 24 count box of Crayola crayons, a 12 pack of mechanical pencils, and an 8 pack of Xtra fun pencils. For 35 cents you can purchase folders. Check the front of the Staples flyer each week to check out the back-to-school sales.


I haven’t seen any backpack sales, but if you are fortunate enough to live near a Vera Bradley outlet and you like Vera Bradley, they have all of their items on sale at 50% off every day. PLUS there is an area in the store where everything is 60% off, but they don’t always have backpacks. So make sure to check out Vera Bradley for backpacks.

If you want a recommendation on a good computer backpack for high school and college students, I recently got a Swiss Gear SmartScan backpack as a gift and I LOVE it. They have a bunch of them on Amazon, which is where mine came from, and the SmartScan cover means you don’t have to take your computer out when you go through security. That’s really nice. What I love about my Swiss Gear backpack is all of the pockets they have because it helps keep me organized. I got mine more for travel, but it works for students as well.

The first one on the left is the one I have.

So start watching the sales for great back-to-school deals and feel free to leave a comment below if you know of any current sales that we can all use to save money on back-to-school items for our own kids and for kids in our communities and around the world. As I see sales, I will add them to this post.

And don’t forget, in order to be entered into this month’s blog drawing, either subscribe to this blog, or share using the social media buttons below, and then leave me a comment underneath this post telling me which sites you shared it on, and you will earn one entry into the drawing for each shared site.




Disclaimer: If you click on the Amazon links in this post and purchase something, I will earn a commission. Please know that I only include products I feel confident are good quality. And you are under no obligation to purchase anything I recommend in this blog.



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